Free Tax Return Software

Pope Kim Jan 24, 2009

I have been using QuickTax so far, which costs around $20 per return. And I recently heard about this free tax return software called StudioTax from, but was not sure how good it is even if it has been around for years.

And I found my lab hamster today: my dad had to use 2007 version to file his super late tax return, and guess what? I think I even like this one over QuickTax because this software shows you actual tax forms that CRA mails to you. Wow. This program looks a bit less professional than QuickTax, but more user-friendly and seem to have more forms that I will need. You can report even investment incomes and your contract work incomes.

I'm definitely gonna use this one for my 2008 tax return. With this software, you can either print out and the mail, or you can even do NETFILE with it. (just wait a bit, NETFILE certified version will be up pretty soon) Super awesome.

Finally, BIG KUDOS to BHOK IT Consulting who made it available free for us.