This and That: Video Game Optimization

Pope Kim Jul 7, 2010
  • NVIDIA Texture tool 2.0.8 is released: Do I see anything special? No. I really wish they would re-implement the sharpen filter, which used to be available on Texture Tool 1, soon. It's scheduled to be done in version 2.2. (who knows how long it will take though?)
  • GPU Pro is out. I heard this will replace the long running ShaderX series. The name is little bit snobbish, I think. :)
  • Eric, the author of Real-Time Rendering, recommended this book, Video Game Optimization. I'm not aware of any book which is dedicated to video game optimization. So I'll surely check it out sometime soon
  • Python 2.7 is out. Despite of C#'s growing popularity I believe people still use Python in game industry?

So enjoy.